…to the online home of Genevieve Sovereign: Electronic Singer-songwriter and Multidisciplinary Creator | Communicator | Coordinator



Delighted to share that my first full-length album “STARSEEDS WANTED: enquire within” (SWew) is landing in this world all around you on Friday 28 March 2025. Woohoo!


Conceptually an offering to the balance of light and dark within all of us, SWew will be the culmination of my past year and more in music focus - as well as the collaborative efforts between some truly brilliant music minds. I’m so excited to share this album with you all!

Incidentally if you’re feeling particularly kind and keen to stay in the loop, please connect and/or throw a follow on any of the platforms we might have in common per...

PLATFORMS | linktr.ee/genevievesovereign


All the love always and forever,
Gen Sovereign xoxo


P.S. If you’re in the mood for more particularly amazeballs electronic music, check out this Spotify playlist I created of tunes that pair brilliantly with both “STARSEEDS WANTED: enquire within” and each other – and whose content comprises almost entirely indie / Aussie artist pieces! Every save, follow and listen of this playlist would be like giving a big ol’ e-hug to independent music creation and creators. <3


“STARSEEDS WANTED: enquire within” artwork by Genevieve Sovereign


Learn more about me and my work…

I’ve had the great fortune to share some personal thoughts and tools around my creative processes with Australian culture&entertainment webzine Happy Mag…


ICYMI this is my full 2023 podcast interview with Alessandro Cicioni of the European Indie Music Network’s Formula Indie podcast - where I got to enthuse for nearly an hour about some of the amazing works / humans / artists who inspire my progress! Thank you so much, legends… <3


…And additionally / alternatively if you prefer reading over listening, here below is my latest (November 2024) text-based interview with Jane Howkins of York Calling! We discussed the latest single, current works in progress, and big next-step-plans for 2025… :D

  • York Calling text-based interview with Jane Howkins (November 2024)

…And I’ve also previously done these interviews:

Additional interviews and reviews of my other works are catalogued on my SINGLES and EP release pages FYI. :)


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progress updates?


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Feature CLIP

My newest DIY lyric video (as all my music vids are thus far!) for 2024 spoken-word experimental electronic “Square Root -1” single… Artwork as per usual based on an old colour-pencil sketch of mine. :)

There’s also a number of other DIY vids available in my ever-growing YouTube uploads library, with music / lyric videos in particular all going into the Genevieve Sovereign music video playlist HERE as they’re released.

So if you’re interested, by Subscribing to my YouTube channel and clicking the bell icon there to get notifications, you’ll hear about it whenever a new clip drops on my channel - be it a music video, vlog update or other fun escapade. Woohoo! :D

Listener thoughts

Curious to know what music enthusiasts reckon? Below are some further listener thoughts…

Genevieve is gifted with an innate belief and trust in herself, which enables her to create from her heart and from a pure source. I believe this is what the world needs, more of this!

> Jessica Angelique Gabrielli - artist, athlete, coach, movement therapist & founder of Foldenmove® at Jagiroha (January 2022)

Genevieve’s love for music is second only to her love of life from my observable opinion. Watching her GSVlog’s have been so interesting as we see her journey, expression and self affirmation of music in writing and singing. The musical floodgates of imagination have opened and Genevieve has simply been collecting buckets of raw energy from this to fuel her music creations from scratch, building a repertoire of wonderful songs in a short space of time, no easy task as I see it. Her music resonates a fresh, colourful and smooth lined flavour that I am simply loving when listening.

> Craig B - fantastic mate / ad hoc proof-reader / former kung fu instructor (January 2022)


FYI you can connect with me through the channels below as well, to stay looped-in about upcoming releases and other shenanigans: